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Monday, Day 11
Here are some questions to help you ponder the readings this week in case you don't tag along here every day. Click here. And this is the plan we've been following too, click here.
This morning we get to tag along with John the Baptist for a few moments. There is probably something worth digging into in the two different identities they try and pin him as, Elijah or "the prophet". For now thats not really our intent to stop at each little crossroads and plumb the full depths but often there are things as such that we could easily read over and yet at the same time they might bring a clearer picture to the storyline and character's development. We'll keep moving...
We also get a front row seat as a couple of John's disciples head out after Jesus. As a kid in Sunday School I used to feel sorry for John and think of him like that one kid whose friends leave him and start hanging with someone else. I know better now because John is pretty clear about what he things about Jesus and where his place is (Jn. 3:30). So I'm thinking John probably wasn't all that injured by the idea, in fact I bet he was excited for them. They were following the MESSIAH!
Lastly we see Jesus make some of his first offers to prospective disciples inviting them to come along and be his students. I've noticed these a little more this year and am reminded that Jesus didn't ask perfect people with it all together and all the answers to follow him. It was a journey and they learned along the way as he CONTINUALLY showed them grace and patience. I often need reminded that as a follower and one who encourages others to follow. His invite wasn't to come as soon as you get your stuff together or come if your perfect. It was just simply follow me. Not arrive. Simply follow me. There is hope for us yet. : )
John highlights at least three invitations these disciples were offered to follow Jesus, did you catch them?
Have you ever thought you had to have it all together before you could follow Jesus?
Did these men seem to have all the answers to start with?
What did Jesus' invite for them look like?
See you tomorrow!